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Autor: MR.ED

Statistics January 2021

Logo MR.ED hört Musik



Total Hits Total Page Views Cotent Calls (Statify)
January 2021 58.694 34.953 4.321
December 2020 28.372 13.220 1.209
November 2020 18.703 9.460 1.888
October 2020 30.539 15.079 1.965
September 2020 30.017 15.244 611
August 2020 15.749 8.016 397
July 2020 23.091 9.815 690
June 2020 24.252 9.731 673
May 2020 25.128 11.697 276
April2020 15.341 6.386 1.242
March 2020 9.274 4.190 1.198
February 2020 9.986 5.153 400
January 2020 20.080 4.807 633

Hits: A Hit actually refers to the number of files downloaded on the site, this could include photos, graphics, etc. Includes all actions by members of this blog.
Page Views: Each individual webpage a visitor views is tracked as a page view. Includes all actions by members of this blog.
Content Calls: Each individual post or page (content type) a visitor views is tracked as content call. Actions of logged members are not tracked.



Hosting 9,50 €
WordPress-Theme 0,00 €
Gema 20,00 €
Content  190,56 €
Total costs 220,06 €

„MR.ED hört Musik“ is nothing more and less than a „fanblog“. I do not earn money with that. The only reason for this is: Sharing electronic music I like with other people. I pay for the music and pay for a GEMA license which allows me providing music on my website for streaming.

Do you like MR.ED hört Musik? Then you can support me by sending a small amount (1,00 €) to my Paypal Moneypool.